Jste náš student? Klikněte sem, vyplňte přihlašovací údaje níže a vstupte k webové podpoře pro studenty. Jste náš firemní zákazník? Klikněte sem, vyplňte přihlašovací údaje níže a vstupte k webové podpoře manažerů vzdělávání. Jste náš lektor? Klikněte sem, vyplňte přihlašovací údaje níže a vstupte do letorského informačního systému.

Job Offer - Teachers

on the market
5 000+satisfied students a year
100 000+taught lessons a year
300+courses a day
Glossa School of Languages is reliable! Professional! Flexible! Supportive! Just another list of cliché adjectives that is supposed to make you want to work with us and trust us? Please... We are not that naive. We have been around for more than 29 years so we know that teachers need more than that.

You need a partner.

Admit it – it is tough to be in this business on your own. Why else would you be considering cooperating with the best language school in Prague? We know how important teachers are – and we couldn’t be in this business without you.

We are here for you.

We trust you that can do the teaching part well enough and we can help where necessary and do whatever it takes to make teaching a positive experience. Our team of Course Managers will work with you on a schedule that fits your needs. And our team of Senior Teachers will be available for consultations and will help you get around our libraries – both paper one and the digital one. If you believe that you can benefit from further learning you’ll be welcome in our workshops and seminars. We will let you know how well you do your job and you can benefit from more experienced colleagues sharing their pearls of wisdom in our teacher’s room or outside socializing.

And what about you?

We do not use empty words we really mean them. Reliable, professional, flexible, supportive. Does it describe you as well? Then we make a perfect match. And if you are also experienced, and have CELTA or TEFL, university degree – that can’t hurt.

Let us know.

Please fill in this questionnaire and send it together with your CV to jobs@glossa.cz. We will get back to you.

Send us your message

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Recepce • Jindřišská 11, 110 00 Praha 1
nebo volejte 224 219 484

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